Huron Perth and Area Ontario Health Team worked to develop a collective commitment to positively impacting the communities we serve.
As we navigate an ever-changing and challenging environment in healthcare, we need to have a strategy that serves as the compass for our decision-making, prioritization, and resource allocation, ensuring that we stay focused and action-oriented.
In developing this plan, we engaged stakeholders from across the organization, including employees, board members, patients, families, caregivers, members/collaborating partners, and other key stakeholders. By incorporating diverse perspectives and insights, we have crafted a plan that reflects our entire community’s needs and aspirations with the vision of “a sustainable people-driven system that strives to provide a positive experience for all.”
Throughout the execution of this strategic plan, we will remain agile and adaptable, recognizing that circumstances may require adjustments and refinements along the way. We are committed to regularly reviewing our progress, evaluating our strategies, and making necessary adaptations to ensure our continued relevance and impact.
Above all, the successful implementation of this strategic plan relies on the dedication, passion, and collaboration of every member of our organization. By working together towards our shared objectives, embracing innovation, and nurturing a culture of continuous improvement, we will achieve remarkable results and create a brighter future for all.
The Huron Perth & Area – Ontario Health Team (HPA-OHT) Strategic Plan for 2023-2026 encompasses four fundamental strategic directions:
- Optimize Access and Integrate Care: This involves improving access and movement within the healthcare system to provide timely and appropriate care by the right providers. The plan includes enhancing access to primary and community care services, integrating access across sectors, and utilizing digital tools for better accessibility. Specific objectives for 2023 and 2024 focus on exploring primary care entry points, increasing community care services access, developing a Heart Failure model of care, advancing digital health, and addressing barriers in the system.
- Reimagine Community-Based Care: This strategy emphasizes health promotion, prevention, patient self-management, and early healthcare interventions at home and in the community. Goals include improved population health, effective resource allocation, and increased system capacity. Actions planned involve creating a healthy aging strategy, developing partnerships to improve social determinants of health, and implementing data and evidence-based decision-making tools.
- Revitalize the HPA-OHT Workforce: This direction aims to ignite recruitment, retention, and well-being strategies for healthcare staff, advancing leadership and workforce integration. The plan will enhance recruitment and retention, increase equity across sectors, develop a regional workforce strategy, and build equitable employment opportunities. It also includes developing communication strategies to attract new staff and volunteers and supporting the development of a central training and development tool.
- Advance the HPA-OHT Model: This involves strengthening the HPA-OHT structure, systems, and processes to facilitate collaboration. The plan includes establishing a non-profit corporation, expanding membership and partnerships, co-designing with citizens, and fostering positive relationships for system-wide impact. There’s also a focus on integrating technology and digital strategies to improve system integration.
Throughout these directions, the plan consistently emphasizes equity & reconciliation, fostering relationships and innovation, engaging citizen voices, and developing comprehensive communication and engagement strategies. Technology and digital strategies are also integral across all areas, ensuring improved access and efficiency.
Strategic Plan 2023-2026
- Read our Discovery Report – released October 2022.
- Read our Strategic Plan Stakeholder Sessions Summary – released December 2022
- Read our Strategic Plan Summary – released March 2023