Our Vision
A sustainable people-driven system that strives to provide a positive experience for all.
Our Commitments
We will embrace change to enrich the lives of citizens and put community health outcomes first
We will create relationships based on trust and commit organizational resources towards collective improvement
We will deliver evidence-based, fiscally responsible and sustainable care
We will pursue opportunities to eliminate gaps, duplication and provide optimal care
People will partner together for effective decision-making
What is an Ontario Health Team?
An Ontario Health Team is a new service delivery model designed to integrate care delivery and funding, which will enable patients, families, communities, providers, and system leaders to better work together, innovate, and build on what is best in Ontario’s health care system. The goal is to provide better, more connected care across the province.
Ontario Health Teams are groups of providers and organizations that are clinically and fiscally accountable for delivering a full and coordinated continuum of care to a defined geographic population.
Under the Ontario Health Team model, patients, families, caregivers, and health care providers will more actively shape how local health care services are delivered and managed. The approach will make it easier for local health care providers to partner and deliver high-quality, coordinated care for their patients and their communities.

The Huron Perth & Area Ontario Health Team Journey
Province passes legislation to establish Ontario Health Teams
Over 60 health care providers in Huron, Perth & Area collaborate to submit an application to become an OHT region.
HPA-OHT approved as one of the first 24 OHTs in the province.
Established accountability and
governance structure, created collaboration agreement,
established Secretariat and focused on priority populations.
Patient/Family/Caregiver Leadership Council created and have an
active Physician Advisory Council
Growing OHT membership,
one of five project sites in province for advancing
spoke-hub-node model of care for heart failure, and
commenced strategic plan development
Significant progress was made with integrated clinical
pathways for heart failure and lower limb preservation,
alongside expanded digital health solutions.
Ten member organizations achieved historic joint accreditation
with exemplary standing.
To see our full membership list, click here.
Our Organizational Structure
Click the image below to view PDF version of the HPA-OHT Organizational Structure