Please note that the following educational resources and opportunities are being offered by external agencies, not directly by the Huron Perth & Area – Ontario Health Team (HPA-OHT). These resources have been curated to align with our commitment to continuous learning and development in healthcare management and leadership. However, we cannot endorse these programs for their relevance and quality. Each listing includes registration links and additional information for your convenience.


janGeriatrics Education: Enhancing Knowledge in the Care of Older Adults Event Organized By: Provincial Geriatrics Leadership Ontario Sector:Palliative Care

On Demand Training

OMD Privacy & Security Training Module for the Health Care Sector Event Organized By: Ontario MD

OMD Virtual Care Privacy & Security Training Module Event Organized By: Ontario MD Sector:Hospitals,Primary Care

Hospice Palliative Care Ontario's Person-Centred Decision-Making e-Learning Module Event Organized By: Hospice Palliative Care Ontario Sector:Palliative Care