Transforming Health in Our Communities through Proactive and Integrated Approaches

At HPA-OHT, our second strategic priority focuses on reimagining community-based care. This priority emphasizes health promotion, prevention, patient self-management, and early healthcare interventions, both at home and within the community. Our objective is to foster a healthcare environment that is proactive, integrated, and centered on the needs of our citizens.

Three-Year Outcomes

  1. Improved Population Health

    • 2024: Collaborate with partners to develop a healthy aging strategy for Huron and Perth.
    • 2023: Convene members, partners, physicians, and citizens to advance strategies in health promotion, prevention, and patient self-management.
    • 2023-2024: Forge partnerships with non-healthcare community organizations to jointly address social determinants of health.
  2. Shift in Resource Allocation

    • 2024: Establish a system-level process for effective sharing of physical resources, transitioning from acute to community care and across different life stages as needed.
    • 2023: Support collaborative opportunities for creating, reviewing, and distributing patient self-management tools and resources.
  3. Enhanced System Integration and Responsiveness

    • 2023: Expand the onboarding for the Integrated Decision Support tool.
    • 2023: Establish a comprehensive data inventory and share it with member organizations.
    • 2024: Implement the use of data and evidence in decision-making processes.
    • 2024: Increase the number of shared policies and procedures among organizations.

Matrix Elements Supporting Our Strategic Priority

  • Equity & Reconciliation Employing tools with a health equity lens and forming partnerships that incorporate Indigenous knowledge and perspectives.

  • Relationships, Generosity & Innovation Strengthening relationships with non-healthcare community partners and Indigenous serving agencies, and fostering sector joint ventures and alliances to alleviate systemic pressures.

  • Citizen Voice Creating avenues for citizens to share their insights on health promotion, prevention, and patient self-management.

  • Communication & Engagement Developing a communication strategy that actively involves citizens in discussions about health promotion, prevention, and patient self-management.

  • Technology & Digital Strategies Disseminating information through digital portals on topics related to health promotion, prevention, and patient self-management.

Our vision for reimagined community-based care is one where every citizen is empowered and supported to take an active role in their health and wellbeing. By focusing on prevention, early intervention, and patient self-management, and by ensuring our approaches are inclusive and data-driven, we aim to build a healthier, more resilient community. Through collaboration, innovation, and a deep commitment to equity, HPA-OHT is dedicated to transforming the landscape of community healthcare.